Privacy Policy

M.S. Electronics Limited are committed to ensuring that your privacy is protected and that it complies with its obligations under the Data Protection Act 1998. The Data Protection Act 1998 regulates the processing of information relating to you and grants you various rights in relation to your personal data. The below statement explains how we will treat any personal information you provide to us when you sue this site. This policy is not linked to any of the websites link by our website and we may up-date this policy from time to time, any changes will be published on this page.

The information we collect and how we use it
When you register or make purchases on our web site at, we collect information about your organisation such as company name and address, as well as personal information from you, such as your name, job title, e-mail address and business phone number. This information is recorded securely within our online database and is used in the case of registrants to validate subsequent login to the site. Your information is used for M.S. Electronics Limited only and will not be passed on to any third parties. M.S. Electronics Limited may use your information to send you details of special offers and news and also for the administrative purposes and internal analysis.

Updating your personal information
If any of the information that you have provided to us changes, please let us know the correct details by emailing us at

You are entitles to receive a copy of the information we hold about you (a small fee to cover administrative costs maybe applicable).
If at any time you have any questions or concerns about our Terms and Conditions, or this Statement, please email us at or write to us:

M.S. Electronics Limited
Rear of 98 North Street
RM11 1SU